sarah531 wrote in dw_scans Jan 31, 2011 23:08
characters: vincent, characters: eleven, magazines: doctor who magazine special, characters: amy, episode: vincent and the doctor
sarah531 wrote in dw_scans Aug 16, 2010 23:08
characters: rory, pairings: amy/rory, characters: eleven, episode: the big bang, characters: amy, characters: cybermen, episode: vincent and the doctor
sarah531 wrote in dw_scans Jul 15, 2010 21:19
magazines: doctor who magazine, characters: vincent, episode: amy's choice, episode: vampires of venice, pairings: eleven/river, episode: flesh and stone, characters: dream lord, characters: silurians, characters: restac, characters: eleven, characters: craig, episode: the hungry earth, characters: amy, characters: nasreen, episode: vincent and the doctor, characters: rory, characters: river, episode: the lodger
sarah531 wrote in dw_scans Jul 05, 2010 17:50
characters: craig, characters: vincent, characters: eleven, episode: amy's choice, characters: amy, episode: vincent and the doctor, episode: flesh and stone, characters: rory, episode: the lodger, characters: sophie